The idea was to make a simple tester wich you could choose channel and value on that channel.
when you push the button you enter the channel mode and with the potentiometer you are setting channel. when releasing the button the tester is in value mode and the pot sets the dmx value of the selected channel. I have found it is best to use a 10 turn potentiometer it is easier to set the channel with it because it is more precise.
I decided to use the nootropic shield because it was laying around and had a simple library to use.
but because the library by default uses timer 2 and the simple dmx library also uses timer 2 there´s a conflict. but it´s pretty easy to change it. just remove the /* */ from timer 1 code and move them to the timer2.
link to the code:
link to nootropic design :
link to simpleDmx library:
![]() |
schematic of the dmx tester. |
i made a video to show how it works:
I have some ideas on how to develop the shield.
- using a 4 digit 7 segment display straight to the arduino. instead of the nootropic digit shield.
- instead of the potentiometer it would be cool to use a rotary encoder with a built in switch.
- dmx input mode to display what values a certain channel is receiving