recently i found another project witch used a Arduino and a ethernet shield to make an artnet node. A couple of months ago i got an very small router from dealextreme wich is called TP-Link wr703n . when i was looking for information how to flash the router with english firmware i realized that it was could be possible to make very neat artnet node. It is possible to install a custom linux build to the router and install The Open Lighting Architecture (OLA) and connect a usb dmx interface to the usb port of the router.
some of the great features with wr703n
- small (5,6 X 5,6 cm)
- hackable
- low power
- has a usb host
- cheap (22$ inc shipping)
the only bad thing is the Chinese firmware.
my approach
first i need to install openwrt.
how to do that this tuitorial seems to be great
then i need to install ola i will try follow this guide
will also use the router artnet page
If i will get this to work can make a tutorial.
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