* Title : Example DMX Receiver
* Version : v 0.3
* Last updated : 07.07.2012
* Target : Arduino mega 2560, Arduino mega 1280, Arduino nano
* Author : Toni Merino - merino.toni at gmail.com
* Web : www.deskontrol.net/blog
#include <lib_dmx.h> // comment/uncomment #define USE_UARTx in lib_dmx.h as needed
// This example receive 4 channels from address 1 to 4 and write analog values to PWM pins 2 to 5
// outputs update in main loop
// New DMX modes *** EXPERIMENTAL ***
#define DMX512 (0) // (250 kbaud - 2 to 512 channels) Standard USITT DMX-512
#define DMX1024 (1) // (500 kbaud - 2 to 1024 channels) Completely non standard - TESTED ok
#define DMX2048 (2) // (1000 kbaud - 2 to 2048 channels) called by manufacturers DMX1000K, DMX 4x or DMX 1M ???
void setup()
ArduinoDmx0.set_control_pin(4); // Arduino output pin for MAX485 input/output control (connect to MAX485 pins 2-3)
ArduinoDmx0.set_rx_address(1); // change starting adress here
ArduinoDmx0.set_rx_channels(1); // number of rx channels
ArduinoDmx0.init_rx(DMX512); // starts universe 0 as rx, NEW Parameter DMX mode
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
delay (300);
delay (300);
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
delay (300);
// 2 blinks for on
} //end setup()
void loop()
//write values from dmx channels 1-4 universe 0 to arduino pwm pins 2-5
analogWrite(5, ArduinoDmx0.RxBuffer[0]); //buffers 0 indexed
} //end loop()
as you can see you will need a dmx library from deskontrol.net . this is almost their programing example with minor changes. the output Onoff i just a indicator that the Arduino has power and is ready to recive dmx.
i will publish the pcb files. but they are not ready yet.
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